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Sagot :


Réponse :

It is very clear that in this photo we can see a man with a mysterious air, he is long, has a mustache and he wears a tie with a long coat and brown hat. That one to his left we see an old lady who has a small size, she also has glasses, she wears an orange sweater and a purple skirt, her hair is gray and her eyes are slanted.


La femme:

The woman on the right of the photo is smiling, she is also old. She has a necklace, an orange t-shirt and a black skirt. She has black shoes and she has a bun. The rubber band in her hair is red.


The man on the left of the photo is dressed in a hat, a long coat, a shirt, a tie, a sweater, trousers and shoes. His hat is brown like his coat, his tie is patterned, his shirt is white, and his sweater is gray. His pants are black like his shoes. The gentleman has mustaches and glasses.

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