Réponse :
1. they washed in a goat’s : MIILK
5. a kind of bird that they ate: ROBIN
8. they didn’t eat with this: FORKS
9. richesse: WEALTH
11. water was often: POLLUTED
12. Shakespeare’s mother’s name: MARY
13. Shakespeare’s father’s job: GLOVEMAKER
14. charbon: COAL
16. this was kept for guests: BEST BED
18. the era when Shakespeare lived: TUDOR
20. type of fruit: CHERRIES
21. they drank this instead of water: ALE
22. the room where they entertained guests: PARLOUR
23. disease that killed thousands: PLAGUE
24. a type of play: COMEDY
2. subject that was taught at school: LATIN
3. a word that Shakespeare invented: GOSSIP
4. The curtains were made of this: WOOL
6. this was used to sweeten food: HONEY
7. these were inside the matresses: FEATHERS
10. the Queen’s name: ELIZABETH
14. couverts: CUTLERY
15. opposite of town: COUNTRY
17. this was used as toothpaste: SUGAR
19. Romeo and Juliet is this: TRAGEDY
Explications :
J'ai eu du mal avec ce qui était utilisé comme dentifrice ...
On trouve beaucoup de choses. Ils fabriquaient différentes pâtes à base de corail ( coral ) où autres poudres. Mettre "coral" dans le mot croisé bloque les autres mots ... Et victoire ! Le sucre était synonyme de luxe, à tel point qu'ils faisaient du "dentifrice" avec !! La reine Elizabeth 1ère obsédée de luxe en utilisait.