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Repondre aux questions en formant des comparatifs de
superiorite a l'aide des elements proposes entre parentheses:
Exemple: Is she polite ? (you) - Yes, she's more polite than you.
1 - Is he big (his brother)
2. Is it expensive ? (in Brighton)
3 - Are they early ? (last week)
4 - Is it easy ? (the first exercise)
5 - Is his idea good ? (yours)
6. Is she romantic ? (my friends)
7. Is it comfortable ? (this chair)
8 - Is it dark ? (in the cellar)

Quelqu’un pour m’aider

Sagot :


1. Yes, he is bigger than his brother

2. Yes, it is more expensive than in Brighton

3. Yes, they are earlier than last week

4. Yes, it is easier than the first exercises

5. Yes, his idea is better than yours

6. Yes, she is more romantic than my friends

7. Yes, it is more comfortable than this chair

8. Yes, it is more dark than in the cellar


1- Yes, he is bigger than you.

2- Yes, it is more expensive than in Brighton.

3- Yes, they are earlier than last week.

4- Yes, it is easier than the first exercise.

5- Yes, his idea is better than yours.

6- Yes, she is more romantic than my friends.

7- Yes, it is more comfortable than this chair.

8- Yes, it is darker than in the cellar.