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Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider pour cet exercice s’il vous plaît (en 100 mot)

c. Your turn! You are a guide at the Imperial War
Museum. Comment on the photo on the right.
Explain the situation and how people felt.

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider Pour Cet Exercice Sil Vous Plaît En 100 Mot C Your Turn You Are A Guide At The Imperial War Museum Comment On The Photo On The Right E class=

Sagot :


on the photo below we can see several people (women, children and men) sitting in a bus but we can also see guards talking with them

in the front row the children are seated with their legs pressed against their chests with a smile on their lips

in the second and third row of adults are also seated with a smile, surely the parents of the children

in the second row we can even see a woman sewing


j'espère que ça sera suffisant et bien écrit