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svp j’ai besoin d’aide je doit inventer une histoire effrayante ou rigolote de 5 à 10 ligne , une idée me suffit mais si vous voulez vous pouvez faire le texte mais pas trop dure je suis en 4eme​

Sagot :

Réponse :

One of the cold winter nights, a phone call came to a man in his forties calling for him to go to the hospital immediately for a very important matter. The man left his warm bed and put on his heavy clothes and ran to the hospital to investigate the news. I informed them about the phone call. They told him that it was a false call. The man remained standing in the very cold street and the rain was pouring down on him, and he did not find any way to reach his house. He continued in this state until three o’clock in the middle of the night, and finally he found a car that agreed and immediately entered it, and the car started to Moving, but without a driver, fear struck the man, and he did not know what to do to save himself from this catastrophe that he had inflicted on himself.

Explications :