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Pourriez vous m'aider car je n'arrive pas
Les mots qu'il faut mettre sont:

Blend, sprinkle, stir, spread, turn up, cool, mix, bake

... eggs, flour and baking powder..... chocolate with pieces of bananas and on strawberries..... everything. .....a baking tray in the shape of stars. .... the heat and ......the stars in the oven for 20 minutes. Let it.... for one hour. Why not ........ with coconut powder?​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Blend eggs, flour, and baking powder sprinkle chocolate with pieces of bananas and strawberries stir everything. spread in a baking tray in the shape of stars. turn up the heat and bake the stars in the oven for 20 minutes. Let it cool for one hour. Why not mix with coconut powder?​

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