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Bonsoir pouvez-vous Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît
Describe the document.

What do you see / hear ?
Who made it ?
Where ?
What does it talk about ?

What's the politcal message ?
Why was it created ? 
What's the symbol ?

Use historical knowledge

Step 3

Give your opinion !
Why did you choose it ?
What do you think of it ?
What's your opinion ?

Bonsoir Pouvezvous Aidezmoi Sil Vous Plaît Step1Describe The DocumentWhat Do You See Hear Who Made It Where What Does It Talk About Step2Whats The Politcal Mess class=

Sagot :

Step 1: 1. I see unhappy children mostly crying and they are chased by police and I also see a naked little girl ,2. Nick ut took this photo,3. The photo is from southern Vietnam , 4. when,on.June 8, 1972, a South Vietnamese plane just fell Napalm and just burned, and there's a naked little girl screaming in pain days later they find out that Kim survived the burns thanks to Nick for getting her back to the hospital.This photo shows public opinion against war in vietnam, By the end of 1973 almost all American soldiers had left the South Vietnam. Many experts believed that Nick
"The photo of Ut" helped change the course of history. Voici le step 1 contact moi si tu as besoin d’aide pour le step 2 ! Bonne soirée j’espère que sa t’aura aidé
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