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The International University Sports Federation (FISU) was founded on the first of January one nineteen forty-nine with the aim of promoting and organizing amateur sports competitions at world level for university students and pupils of higher education institutions. After its foundation in Brussels, it has its headquarters in Lausanne since 2011, and the president is Oleg Matytsin

They offer summer and winter games sports for exemple :

And they also offer championships and world cups.

Sagot :

The International University Sports Federation (FISU) was founded on the first of January nineteen forty-nine with the aim of promoting and organizing amateur sports competitions at world level for university students and pupils of higher education institutions. After its foundation in Brussels, its headquarters are in Lausanne since 2011, and the president is Oleg Matytsin

They offer summer and winter games sports for exemple :

And they also offer championships and world cups.

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