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Svp aidée moi à faire ce devoir Je dois faire un essay sur doivent les parents laisse leur enfants manger junk food
Et donnez moi des arguments et explications

Sagot :

Réponse :

If all the friends eat out regularly, it is difficult to systematically refuse to do so to your child. The idea is not to forbid them "junk food". The idea is not to forbid them junk food. These foods in themselves are not dangerous, it is their consumption in too high a dose that can be dangerous,  Going once or twice a week to the fast-food restaurant does not pose a problem for health if the rest of the meals taken are balanced. We invite them not to be fooled by the advertising messages they are the target of, or by the barely clean sandwich shops that unexpectedly set up shop at the corner of their school.

The basic rule of nutrition is diversification. Regular physical activity is another important part of staying in shape.

Explications :

  • (j'espère que ça a aider mémé si la question est assai incompréhensible)