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write an article (80 words) about the tragedy of the Titanic: use Preterit + 5 passive forms​

Sagot :

Hello !

On April 10, 1912, the Titanic set sail from Southampton in England and called by Cherbourg in France. On April 11, 1912, it called by Queenstown in Ireland to pick up more passengers. In total, there were 2 240 passengers including. 900 crew members were in the boat. The Tatanic was described as a "ship of dreams" : it was the safest, biggest, most luxurious and impressive ship of all times. On April 15, 1912, it collided with an iceberg and sank. Over 1 500 passengers died and 706 peoples survived. Only 20 lifeboats were on the board, enough to carry 1 178 passengers.

The boat's wreck wasn't found until 1985 by an oceanographer 600km off the coast of Canada. This tragedy inspired many stories, films and a musical. The most famous film was produced by James Cameron in 1997.

Good night

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