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Bonsoir pouver vous m'aider

English HAD TO What did children have to do in the past? Look at the pictures and write what children had to do and compare with what you can do today. ​

Bonsoir Pouver Vous Maider English HAD TO What Did Children Have To Do In The Past Look At The Pictures And Write What Children Had To Do And Compare With What class=

Sagot :

1. Children had to walk for miles to go to school. Nowadays we can take a school bus! It's faster and less tiring!
2. Pupils had to bring their lunch to school everyday and eat cold food. On the opposite, nowadays we can eat in the dining halls warm dishes!
3. In the country, children had to work on the farm to help their parents, after school! Nowadays, when we go back home we can chat with friends on the internet.
4. Girls had to help with the housework, cook... after school! Nowadays, when they leave school they can go shopping.
5. Pupils had to write with a quill pen! It was very difficult! Nowadays, we can use pens and pencils.
6. Girls had to wear long dresses because they couldn't show their ankles! Nowadays, girls can wear miniskirts and trousers.

Voila j'espère que ca t'aura aidée, bonne soirée!
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