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bonjour tous le monde

quelqu’un pourrais m'aide s'il vous plais

merci d'avance

Bonjour Tous Le Monde Quelquun Pourrais Maide Sil Vous Plais Merci Davance class=
Bonjour Tous Le Monde Quelquun Pourrais Maide Sil Vous Plais Merci Davance class=

Sagot :


1) affirmatif : I am/ you are/ he is/ she is/ it is/ we are/ you are/ they are

Interrogatif : Inverser : Ex Am I ? Are you ?

Négatif : rajouter not : Ex I am not / You are not...

2) I'm French / He isn't English ou He's not English / Are they here ?

3) ??

7) They are 13 / We are French / They are english actreesses / Where are our notepads ?

I must be quiet... I mustn't eat...

My/your/her (fille) / his (garçon)

this is A boobook / it's A good book / it's an english book / ○ good books are rare / where is The teacher ? / je n'arrive pas à lire cette phrase...

Tableau : how old, âge/ what colour, couleur / what time, heure / what, chose / who, identité/ where are you from, origine / how, état

Bon courage !

1. Pour le tableau:

I am You are He is She is It is We are You are

Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it ? Are we? Are you?

I am not You are not He is not She is not We are not You are not


I'm French

He isn't English She isn't English

They're here


Impératif +: Let's speak

Impératif -: Don't speak


They are 13

They are French

They are English actresses

Where are your notepads


I should be quiet in class.

I mustn't eat in class.

Explication: Pour résumer, must exprime l'obligation, tandis que should exprime l'idée “il faudrait que…”, moins forte que l'obligation.


1. my book

2. your book

3. his book / her book


This is a book

It's a good book

It's an English book

(an car le prochain mot commence par une voyelle)?

The good books are rare

Where is the teacher?

Is he near a/the blackboard.

(cela dépend si objet défini ou non)


How old is your dog?

What colour is your bag?

What time is it?

What is your name?

Who is this girl?

Where are you from?

How are you? Fine!

N'hésite pas si tu as des questions. Bon courage!
