This document is a cover of Time magazine . It dates back to August, 19 2019
At the top is the name of the magazine, in the center, the word « enough »
is written in capital letters. Underneath, a sentence « A year of gun
violence in America. So far ».
The whole page is covered with words. Usually, words are used to make
sentences, but here, we only have a list of cities. Major cities such as
Chicago, New Orleans or San Francisco and small cities as Akron,
Allendale. They have something in common, they are the locations where
mass shootings occurred.
So, what might look like a jigsaw word puzzle at first sight, reveals to be a
brash message loaded with powerful meanings.
It highlights the fact that the country has had enough of violence and that
something must be done about gun control. But it also means that the
artist had enough words to fill an entire magazine cover. This is intended
to raise people’s awareness of the problem Americans are facing. In order
to counter gun violence, more exactly to denounce it, the artist urges
readers to realize how everyone is concerned.The message in red letters
is a statement meaning that it is not over yet, blood is always flowing
everywhere and this must stop. This is too much, this is enough!
In my opinion, the power of this approach is that we make a link between
the words and the facts.
Explications :
Il manque plein de choses ( on pourrait écrire des pages ... ), ce ne sont que quelques idées.
Tu peux aussi ajouter le nom de l'artiste qui a fait la couverture ( John Mavroudis ), d'autres éléments de decription ( les couleurs noir-blanc-rouge ), la typographie. Mais aussi donner ton avis sur le message transmis ...
Bon courage