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Svp qui pourrait faire se travaille en ce moment je suis surchargé je ne peut pas le faire svp il n'est pas très dur mais long quand ont est pas très fort :
Consigne : Se faire passer pour un personnage en réécrivant ces paragraphes par les siens (1 PERSONNAGE) au prétérit svp jen est besoin le plus tôt possible ​

Svp Qui Pourrait Faire Se Travaille En Ce Moment Je Suis Surchargé Je Ne Peut Pas Le Faire Svp Il Nest Pas Très Dur Mais Long Quand Ont Est Pas Très Fort Consig class=

Sagot :

Du coup si j’ai bien compris la consigne en se faisant passer pour Tom ça donne ça:
I said there are so many things to visit in New York City. I wanted to see the Statue of Liberty but my brother Chad didn’t want to go there because there are too many stairs. Instead, he wanted to go to the Empire State Building because he loves skyscrapers. Scarlett thought it was a good idea because there are a lot of elevators and they are very fast. Scarlett’s father said we could take the ferry and go to Liberty island to visit the Statue first. After that, we could go to the Empire State Building. To go there we could take the bus or the subway. It was on (adresse). Chad and I said it was a good idea. Scarlett wanted to go shopping because there were lots of shops on the 5th Av and she would of liked to buy a present for her grandma and she needed a new pair of jeans but we, boys, didn’t want to go shopping. Her father thought she could go shopping another day. He added they could go and visit the MET. Chad and I were very happy because we love museums and I said we could have a picnic near the zoo since it was in Central Park and Chad said he would like to buy a hot dog with a lot of onions. He was very excited. I was very happy too, I said I was very lucky to be there in New York and Scarlett wanted to write a postcard to our sister Zoe who isn’t with us. I didn’t want to do it but Chad thought it was a good idea.

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