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Bonsoir pouvais vous m’aider pour lexo numero 4 le texte ci dessous!

13-Year-Old Hero Saves School Bus
13-year-old Jeremy Wuitschick steered' a yellow school bus to safety?
when the bus driver had a seizure while driving.
He didn't wait for help - he just jumped into action and saved the bus
and its passengers.
Jeremy and other kids were riding in the school bus on their way to Surprise Lake Middle School, in
Milton, Washington (near Seattle). Suddenly, the school bus driver had a seizure. He lost control of
the bus, which veered off the road and came close to crashing into an electric pole
A video camera on the bus caught what happened next. As soon as the bus driver started to have
his seizure, Jeremy jumped out of his seat and grabbed the steering wheel. He steered the bus
safely to the side of the road and then turned the engine off. He even opened the doors so the
other kids could leave the bus.
Saint Patrick
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ears old, when
for six years
• he heard a ve
At that moment, a passing motorist jumped on board and tried to help the bus driver, who was
later taken to hospital.
Jeremy had learned emergency procedures at school, and his training helped him save many lives.
He is now considered a hero!
treams didn't
m to help the
By Joyce Grant
egan to

Bonsoir Pouvais Vous Maider Pour Lexo Numero 4 Le Texte Ci Dessous 13YearOld Hero Saves School Bus 13yearold Jeremy Wuitschick Steered A Yellow School Bus To S class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Tu dois employer la première personne du singulier "je" étant donné que dans la consigne on te dit que TU ES JEREMY. Tu dois donc te mettre à sa place

Explications : Remplace toutes les fois où tu as écrit Jeremy par "I" ou des synonymes.

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