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Bonjour est ce que quelqu'un de bilingue ou de très fort en anglais pourrait m'aider svp.
C'est à rendre à la rentré et j'ai bcp besoin d'aide merciii d'avance.

Sagot :



Réponse :

Oeuvre 1

This work of art was exhibited in 2015, seven years ago in the town of Weston-super-Mare in England. The exhibition was organized by the famous street artist Banksy . He created  Dismaland, a dystopian theme park ( not really appropriate for children )

The piece of art is an installation that depicts a crash. In the middle, Cinderella’s overturned  horse-drawn pumpkin carriage. In the bottom left-hand corner two horses lying on the ground.On the right there are some photographers who are taking pictures of the accident. They all still have their motorcycle helmet on because the most important for them is to capture this tragic moment. At this time they are not humans who could help someone, they are just photographers doing their jobs.

It is a reference, to Princess Diana accident in Paris.Princess Diana was always pursued by paparazzi and they were held responsible for her death.So, as we look at this piece of art, we take a step inside a fairytale. Feelings are mixed-up, on the one hand it reminds us of  the Disney movie of our childhood. But, on the other hand we are faced with what it may cost to be a princess nowadays.

Princesses are believed to live  happily ever after, but here, Banksy shows us the hidden part of the fairy tale, the stark reality that lays underneath.It is a committed artwork aimed to denounce how bad, tough real life can be. 

This artwork could be entitled « underneath the fairytale »; « The tragic fairytale » « Cinderella and the paparazzi » 

Explications :

passive voice ( soulignés )

Je t'ai proposé 3 titres, mais tu peux en trouver d'autres qui te parlent plus par rapport à l'oeuvre.

Tu peux, couper des phrases si c'est trop long ou en ajouter ( même des petites phrases simples qui rendront ta présentation plus personnelle )

- exemple de simplification du texte : " In the middle, Cinderella’s overturned  horse-drawn pumpkin carriage." ==> In the middle, there is Cinderella's carriage after an accident.  

Le plus important : utilise des choses que vous avez vues en cours !


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