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** Match the sentence halves.
1 Why don't you just own
2 I want to tell him the
3 I can be very open
4 I always find it really difficult to tell
5 It's not always easy to do
6 There's no point trying to hide
7 She believed me! I never thought I'd get
8 Liam's always trying to cheat
A with my mum. We have a great relationship
B the truth. People always find out
C a lie. My face just goes bright red
D away with that lie
E in exams. He tries to look at my paper. F the right thing, so thank you for being honest
G up and tell her you broke her phone?
H truth but it's just so hard.​

Sagot :









(you should know that there is a missing sentence in your question, I think. There are 8 numbers and 7 letters . I believe that the missing one has to be the answer to number 5. Otherwise, there is nothing else you can match it with )

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