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Pouvez vous passer ce texte au past simple s'il vous plaît.
I chose Maleficent. She's a witch, she's a woman, in the movie she's 37. She wears a black

dress and a cape. She has a fair-skinned face. She has green eyes and wears lipstick all the

time. We don't see her hair, instead she has black horns. She is often represented with a

magic stick. Behind her, attached to her back, are wings. She moves by flying. Maleficent is
mean ans evil.​

Sagot :


I chose Maleficent. She was a witch, she was a woman, in the movie she was 37. She wore a black

dress and a cape. She had a fair-skinned face. She had green eyes and wore lipstick all the

time. We didn't see her hair, instead she had black horns. She was often represented with a

magic stick. Behind her, attached to her back, were wings. She moved by flying. Maleficent was

mean and evil.

I have chosen maleficent. She has been a witch, she has been a woman, in the movie she has been 37. She has woren a black dress and a cape. She had a fair skinned face. She had green eyes and have worn lipstick all the time. We don't see her hair, instead had black horns. She were often represented with a magic stick. Behind her, attached to her back, were wings. She moved by flying. Maleficent were mean and evil.
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