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Bonjour j'ai besoin de vous car j'ai pas compris merci

. Que veulent-ils qu'ils fassent? Reformule comme dans l'exemple: a) My father: "Stop playing football in the living-room!" My father wants me to stop playing football in the living room. b) Suzie: Amanda, bring me the remote control, please" c) Brandon's parents: "Clean the table when you've finished" d) You: "Jessie and Dylan, write a letter to your grandparents!" e) Elisa: "Mum, please go to the concert with me!" f) Hugo: "Daddy, read me a story a story, please!"​

Bonjour Jai Besoin De Vous Car Jai Pas Compris Merci Que Veulentils Quils Fassent Reformule Comme Dans Lexemple A My Father Stop Playing Football In The Livingr class=

Sagot :

Hello !

b) Suzie wants Amanda to bring her the remote control.

c) Brandon's parents wants him to clean the table when he is finish.

d) I want Jessie and Dylan to write a letter to their grandparents.

e) Elisa wants her mom to go to the concert with her.

f) Hugo wants his daddy to read him a story.

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