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pouvez vous m'aider à compléter la fiche sur Albert Einstein en anglais svp ​

Pouvez Vous Maider À Compléter La Fiche Sur Albert Einstein En Anglais Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) ... WAS born ON 14 march 1879 IN Germany IN ... OF ....

2) ... HAD ... WAS ... he WAS NOTtalkative = he DID NOT speake ...

His parents WERE NOT not happy = WERE sad

3) HIS uncle SHOWED him physics = his uncle teached him physic because his uncle WAS a scientiqt. Albert FELL ....

4) He GREW up without HIS ... because they MOVED to Italy. Albert DID NOT move TO Itlay = he STAYED TO Ulm

5) he FELL ... = he FOUND love = he MET...

6) they HAD ... but his parents WERE ... maybe the WERE NOT married.

7) they GAVE the baby TO ... =... ADOPTED

8) he GOT ... IN 1903 one year AFTER(je ne suis pas sûr) his daughter WAS born ... he HAD ...

9) he DISCOVERED / CRETAED / INVENTED/ the famous (je nais sais pas)= E=MC2

10) he MOVED / WENT / LEFT ... and he LEFT his family

11) he GOT ... ON 14 february 1919, ... afcter he LEFT ..

12) he WON ... IN 1921

13) he CAME / MOVED / EMIGRATED TO the US ... there WAS .... He LEFT because he WAS Jewish. It WAS....

14) HE BECAME a teacher = he TEACHED ... and he BECAME ...

15) he WAS burried /he DIED ON 18 april 1955

16) he CONTRIBUTED to the atomic (je ne sais pas) but he DID NOT PARTICIPATE ... because he WAS against the war = he WANTED TO peace

(Il y a peut-être quelques erreurs )

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