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Pouvez vous m’aidez svp

Sujet : You have made a bad dream about a mythical Irish
creature. Tell you story to your classmates. Talk about the
creature, what happened and how it ended.
(attention il faut écrire sur une feuille me le présenter au tableau et faire
l’oral sans lire la feuille :vous pouvez juste prendre des notes )

Sagot :


i turned my head and there it was this huge creature or should we call it a monster it was huge i look like an ant next to it .his body was red, dark red ,his eyes were soo dark .he was destroying everything he was angry at something but what was it? while thinking about that i saw it coming towards me I was scared so scared that i wasn't even able to run . suddenly i felt someone grabbing me and running ,it was my sister OH MY GOD what in the world just happened ,she saved my life .but that thing was still following us .and of course I fell ,this time my sister didn't help me i tried to get up but I couldn't,i tried again and i couldn't,at this moment i gave up . as it was about to hit me I heard my name ,someone is calling me this sound,it's familiar,oh it's mum but how ,my mom is not even here "wake up wake up" my mom said when I woke i was sweating, i really thought I was gonna die ,it was just a bad dream.