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Bonsoirs est ce que vous pouver me faire un discours de 2a 3 min en anglais pour: Que feriez-vous si vous étiez président d'une association luttant pour le bien-être des animaux? Svp !!

Sagot :


if I would be president from an association fighting for the well-being of animals, I would start by associating myself with the SPA and helping them by making donations, for example.

I would create a special phone number for beaten animals.

then I will buy a building to house beaten animals, I will open an animal hospital and install everything necessary for handicapped animals.

then I would probably raise awareness in schools and finally I would partner with a good brand of food for them.

and for wild animals I would develop land that would look a lot like wild land and would promote reproduction.

and ! I would make a partnership with a magazine so that we can see them.

j'espère que ça t'aidera

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