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If you were asked to join a charity, what
kind of charity would you choose? Why?
Speak out loud and give 3 reasons why
you would choose that charity. This exer-
cise is different from exercise 3.
Think of a charity you would like to work
for and explain the reasons you would like
to join this charity.
(Si on te demandait de t'investir dans une
association caritatico

Sagot :

I would join Animal charities in order to help, support and protect different kind of animals. My first reason to choose this kind of charity is because i have a strong connection to animals, i love taking care of them and being around them. My second reason is that I think there are less people helping animal charities than human services and i want to participate in helping animals because i find them interesting and important to our every day world. My last reason is that the extinction of some species is a very big problem in today’s world.