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Bonjour , j'ai un DM à faire en anglais pour Lundi et je comprends rien du tout, aidez moi svpppppppppppppp
Choose the appropriate tense for each verb (preterit or present perfect)
1. Native American culture …… (have) an impact on American history since before English settlers (arrive) on the continent.
2. More than 2 million people…. (visit) the National Museum of African American History and Culture since it … (open) in 2016.
3. According to the producers, the movie …(inspire) today’s youth to become scientists or astronauts.
4. Even though Latins and Hispanic Americans … (be) a major aspect of American culture and history for centuries, the movie industry … (not acknowledge) them enough according to John Leguizamo.
Write sentences about R.Parks using the following expressions and appropriate tense
1. (Born) on February 4th, 1913. (die) on October 24th, 2005.
2. (refuse) to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
3. (believe) in her right to defy the laws of segregation.
4. (arrest) for civil disobedience.
5. After a one-year boycott the Supreme Court (revoke) segregation in public transportation.
6. Many movies (highlight) her courage and determination.
7. Her action (inspire) a large number of political leaders across the world and (empower) women.

Sagot :

Réponse :1:present perfect

2:present perfect



1.She was born...She died...

2.She refused...

3.She believed...

4.She was arrested...


6....have highlighted...



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