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Bonjour es ce que vous pouvez m’aider svp, c’est un DM que je dois rendre lundi 7 février 2022. Et si c’est pas fait c’est 4h de colle.
Merci d’avance

Bonjour Es Ce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Cest Un DM Que Je Dois Rendre Lundi 7 Février 2022 Et Si Cest Pas Fait Cest 4h De Colle Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

1) Shannon, Liffey, Boyne

2) There are 32 counties.

3) The "Celtic Tiger".

4) There are no snakes because the sea has stopped many animals common on mainland Europe from reaching the island.

5) they have a constitutional Democracy

6) Yes, it is the same.

7) The Celts settled in Ireland in 700BC.

8) The Vikings invaded.

9) The Vikings raided the Celts.

10) The battle of 1014 is called the Battle of Clontarf, this battle united the country.

11) The Norman Vikings, they came from England.

12) In the early 1600s, England’s official religion became Protestant, while most Irish remained Roman Catholic.

13) The Irish Free State was created within the British Empire.

14) The republic of Ireland became independent in 1948.