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Hey Mom and Dad,
I hope you are okay. You know that I am in Sydney, one of the biggest cities in Australia, and I love it! The University of Australia is amazing, and I have a lot of friends here! Let me tell you about something that happened to me a week ago.
I was in my bedroom, doing my homework, then I heard a Boom! I went outside to see what was happening and which person did this when I saw an animal. This animal, I think it was a kangaroo, was tracked by hunters, a few steps behind it. Nobody noticed it like it was okay that a kangaroo was in the garden, with hunters following it! After, the hunters came into the cafeteria and ate a few things, and I was shocked! Everybody was talking to them like they were friends, and I recognized the Americans because they were as shocked as I was. Anyways, I sent you beautiful presents and I hope you'll enjoy them!
Text-me back! See you on holiday!
Love you, Julia
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