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Salut! Vous pouvez m’aider pour cet exercice svp?
1. Buy Nothing Day: Who created it? The artist's nationality? When?
2. Find a sentence in the document which describes the movement best.
3. How many countries participate? Name two.
4. Name three actions that you can do to celebrate Buy Nothing Day.
5. Find the English equivalent of:
Mode de vie:………………….
S’abstenir de:……………………..
Sensibiliser quelqu’un:……………..
Au lieu de:……………….

Merci d’avance !!

Salut Vous Pouvez Maider Pour Cet Exercice Svp 1 Buy Nothing Day Who Created It The Artists Nationality When 2 Find A Sentence In The Document Which Describes T class=

Sagot :

Bonjour !

1. The creator is Ted Dave, he's Canadian, and he created it in September of 1992.

2. For me, it's "isn't just about changing your habits for one day".

3. They are more than 65 nations that participate. United Kingdom and France.


- First action : Stay at home with your family and friends, instead of going shopping.

- Second action : Don't travel anywhere by car, and don't use your cell phone.

- You can go in the nature, and appreciate the beauty of its.


- Habitudes : Habits

- Mode de vie : Way of life

- S'abstenir de ... : Abstain from ...

- Sensibilisé quelqu'un : Sensitized someone

- Au lieu de ... : Instead of ...