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Bonjour j'ai un texte a écrire sur une femme qui adresse un dernier message a son marie avant d'immigré au USA.
merci a la personne qui prendra le temps de coriger mon texte.

voici mon texte:
hello Rodriguez, when you read this letter I will probably already be at the border between Mexico and the USA.
As you already know I thought about it for several years but I finally made my decision, I'm fed up with this poverty, I don't think I can survive in Mexico, nor have the strength to continue the life that I have led so far.
that's why I'm leaving and risking my life because I want to succeed, I want a better life, I want to finish the studies I've always dreamed of and that I couldn't achieve, to then be able to offer this life to you too.
i know it's reckless and dangerous but that's not a bad thing think about all the money i'm gonna make we can finally have a home and start a family
2 beautiful children and a cat. so all i want you to remember is you shouldn't be sad.
dream american which I dream for a very long time will soon be a reality for us 2. finally I have a request to make I know it's selfish but could you wait for me? because I will continue to survive and think of you despite the borders that separate us because you and Mexico will always have a place in my heart.

Laristonne winsley

Sagot :

Réponse : J'ai corrigé directement dans le texte

Hello Rodriguez, by the time you read this letter I will probably already be at the border between Mexico and the United States.

As you already know, I have been thinking about it for several years but I finally made my decision, I am tired of this poverty, I don't think I can survive in Mexico, nor do I have the strength to continue the life I have been leading until now.

that's why i'm leaving and risking my life because i want to succeed, because i want to have a better life, i want to be able to finish the studies that i've always dreamed of and that i haven't had the chance to achieve, so that i can offer this life to you too.

I know it's reckless and dangerous but it's not a bad thing, think of all the money I'll earn so we can finally have a house and a family

two beautiful children and a cat. So all I want you to remember is that you don't have to be sad.

the american dream that i have been dreaming about for a long time will soon be a reality for both of us. finally i have a request for you i know it's selfish but could you wait for me until i get back? because i will continue to survive and think about you despite the borders that separate us because you and Mexico will always have a place in my heart.

Laristonne winsley

Explications :

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