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Bonjour je galère un peux quelqu'un peut m'aider SVP
Recopie cette histoire en choisissant le Prétérit Be + V-ing ou le Prétérit simple.
Do you know what (happen) to me last night? • I (have) a nice cup of tea in bed when the lights (go out). I (jump) out of bed in my pyjamas and (run) to the telephone. I look for) the telephone book in the dark when I (hear) a horrible scream. It (be) the neighbour's voice...​

Sagot :

Good evening

Do you know what happened to me last night?

I was having a nice cup of tea in bed when the lights went out.

I jumped out of bed in my pyjamas and ran to the telephone.

I was looking for the telephone book in the dark when I heard a horrible scream.

It was the neighbor’s voice

J’espère t’avoir aidé
Bonne soirée
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