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17 Mettez les verbes au prétérit simple ou au prété-rit en be + V-ing.
a. I … (have) a bath yesterday when the phone … (ring).
b. According to the police officer, the thief … (escape) through a back door while the jewelry store owner … (open) the safe.
c. The girls … (play) when their dad … (come) home.
d. Her husband … (cook) while she … (have) a bath.
e. His dog … (run away) as he … (walk) it in the park.

Sagot :


Réponse :

a: I had a bath yesterday when the phone rang.

b: According to the police officer, the thief escaped through a back door while the jewelry store owner opened the safe.

c: The girls played with their dad came home.

d: Her husband cooked while she had a bath.

e: His dog ran away as he walked it in the park.

a) I had a bath yesterday when the phone rang. b) According to the police officer, the thief escaped through a back door while the jewelry store owner opened the safe. c)The girls played with their dad came home. d) Her husband cooked while she had a bath. e) His dog ran away as he walked it in the park.
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