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Fill in with an interrogative pronoun.
1. _______stole my earphones? I think it must be your little brother. 2.______he she doing in the bathroom? She must be taking a shower.________3. one do you prefer? The pink one or the red one? 4. _______Do you know he is? Yes, he is at school._______5. do you know her? We met in the train. 6._______is your birthday? It is on Januafry, 25th. 7.____book is this? It must be mine. 8. ________I wonder they met. They met in Italy. 9._______was she talking to? 10._________are you sad ? Because I lost my dog.​

Sagot :


1. who , 2.what , 3. what, 4. where 5. how , 6. when , 7. who , 8.where , 9. who , 10. why

Réponse :

1. Who stole my earphones? I think it must be your little brother.

2. What is she doing in the bathroom? She must be taking a shower.

3. Which one do you prefer? The pink one or the red one?

4. Do you know where he is? Yes, he is at school.

5. Where do you know her? We met in the train.

6. When is your birthday? It is on January, 25th.

7. Whose book is this? It must be mine.

8. I wonder where they met. They met in Italy.

9. Whom was she talking to?

10. Why are you sad ? Because I lost my dog.​

Jsp si les réponses sont bonnes T-T

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