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Someone killed Shauna on Sunday morning. The police know
who they are going to arrest from this piece of information:
April, the maid, was getting the post when she found the body.
Alyssa, the babysitter, was playing with the children when
Reggie, the cook, asked her to come. Reggie was preparing
the meal when there was a shot. Mark, the gardener, was
planting flowers when he heard April scream.
who killed hound and how did the police know who to arre
Adopted from ww

Bonjour est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider à savoir qui est le tueur svp

Sagot :


I think it's the gardener because gardeners don't come on Sundays

Bonjour , i think it’s alyssa because if the mom was there why the babysitter would come ? The mon can play with her child , the babysitter come in the house when there is nobody except the child.That’s not logical that she came.