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bonsoir a tous j ai besoin de votre aide svp c est pour demain merci d avance je vous ai joint le texte a trou a completer can can 't ​

Bonsoir A Tous J Ai Besoin De Votre Aide Svp C Est Pour Demain Merci D Avance Je Vous Ai Joint Le Texte A Trou A Completer Can Can T class=

Sagot :

superman )
he can lift large—-
he can run—-je sais pas —he can jump over —he can see threw walls—he can hear sounds —-cannot defeat him (pas sur de cela)

spiderman )
spiderman ways around —he can sense danger —- he can see in the dark —-webs he shoots where he wants —-he can swing from buildings —jsp—jsp

he can retain a huge amount —he can fly in the sky —he will find his destiny —so that he can be -he can heal himself when he’s injured
sue storm)
she can turn invisible — and can build a force field —jsp —she cant turn herself —
