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Bonsoir pouvez vous m'aider svp a combler les trou avec les mots
3) Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks:
Australian - food - equipment - independent - tourism - British - salary - chemicals - gas -
Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6:
Australia was a ……………….………. colony between 1788 and 1901 when it became an …………………..……nation.
The country’s currency is the ……………….……. dollar (AUD$). The median ……………….……. is 1,475 AUD$ a month.
Some of the main industries of Australian economy are: mining, industrial and transportation ……………….……, wine, wool, brewing, …………………….., natural ……………….., fishing, diamonds, ………………… processing, …………..……. and steel.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Australia was a British colony between 1788 and 1901 when it became an independant nation. The country’s currency is the Australian dollar (AUD$). The median salary is 1,475 AUD$ a month.

Some of the main industries of Australian economy are: mining, industrial and transportation chemicals gas , wine, wool, brewing, food, natural equipement  

Explications :