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AUSTRALIA, some facts :
1) Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks:
24 million - states - southern hemisphere - talk - 4.6 million - Oceania - Indian - island - situated - territories - 360,000 - city - Canberra
Paragraph 1:
I am going to ……… about Australia. It is …………..…. south of Asia, between the Pacific and the…………… Oceans. Australia is a country and an …………..…. at the same time. Australia is located in the ………………………….…... Australia is part of ……………………………. continent. It is composed of 6 ………………….………… and 2 ………………..…….. Its capital city is ………………..….……. . Its population is about ………….……….. while Australia’s is about …………….……. The largest Australian ……….……….. is Sydney. There are more than ………………….…… inhabitants there.

Sagot :

Good evening

Talk about Australia
Situated ( south of Asia)
Indian oceans
Island at the same time
Southern Hemisphere
Oceania continent
6 States
2 Territories
Canberra ( capital city )
360000 ( population)
24 million ( Australian population)
The largest Australian City is Sydney
4,6million inhabitants

Alors j’ai fais dans l’ordre des pointillés
Bonne soirée



Réponse :

I am going to talk about Australia. It is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Australia is a country and an island at the same time. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere Australia is part of Oceania continent. It is composed of 6 states and 2 territories Its capital city is Canberra. Its population is about 360,000 while Australia’s is about 24 million. The largest Australian city is Sydney. There are more than 4,6 inhabitants there.

Explications :

Les 6 States sont:  New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, and Tasmania.

Les 2 Territories sont:  the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory

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