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Bonjour si quelqu’un pourrait m’aider pour se devoir d’anglais « Il he O'Briens and the Caffreys, on their
way to a new life in the West, bad left the
on of Independence with forty other
families on the 4th of july 1855.
By February of the following year the
wagon trail had reached a valley at the
foot of the Rocky Mountains...
The sun was going down behind the moun-
tains,.is spite ofthe cold. the children had been
playing and laughing in
he snow all afternoon
"I wish I had their energy.
If only1 could laugh
like the
Mary O
She looked
sister Anna, who was making
the fre.
n they be so cheerful?"
she asked.
eycited. Children never worry
ike us"
Anna replied
nusto't worry.
surè Tom and Frank will return with good
news lonight." she added.
'Their husbands, Tom and Frank, had been gone
since.daybreak. They had left the camp at dan
1o look för a way across the mountains. But it
hadl started snowing early in the morning and it
hada't stopped since.
wish they
waited for better weather.
How will thev
get back in this snow? And it will
be dark soon,
insisted Mary
'Yes, the sun's almost pone,"
agreed Anna.
vere much
safer here than down in the valley'
she argued.
Mary nodded silently.
Tiva weeks carlier. they
Jad laft she main camp in the valley. Cholera
had broken out and over twenty people, mainlv
young children, had perished. The two families
had decided to find their own route across
mountains. Since
managed to
nove slowly
Sometimes I wish ie had
never loft Ireland ten
years ago.
Life can't be worse than this!"
'What rubbish! I don't
Anna pro-
ested. "Life was terrible, and you know iu sha 3l
how marvellous lite will be
vhen we get to Oregon.
'If we get to Oregon;
" murmured Mary to her.
self, sitting
dora by the Gire.
I'll get some more wood" Anna decided. "We 40
"What was that?"
interrupted Mary.
She had heard a shout.
'Ho, there!" yelled a voice
a second time. It was
We're back!"
shouted Frank.
lio silhouettes came running don the moun
tain side. Both women jumped
to their
Quick! Tell
lemanced, impatiently.
Frank came to the fire and warmed his large
hands with a smile.
We've found a way through. There are signs
signs and tracks of other wagons that took
55. the same route some months ago,;" he explai-
ned. "And in the distance, we could see ano-
ther valley."
"We could sec the river - Snake river!" cried
'Tom, excitedly. "Tomorrow you and the chil-
dren will see it too," he promised.
For a moment no one spoke. They stood and
looked at the sunset. It was quite beautiful.
texte pluperfect

Le verbe « say » n’est pas utilisé dans le texte : trouve 10 verbes dans le texte qui pourraient être remplacés par « say ».(5pts)
1)…………………………………………….. 6)………………………………………….
2)…………………………………………….. 7)………………………………………….
3)……………………………………………. 8)…………………………………………..
4)…………………………………………… 9)………………………………………..
5)…………………………………………… 10)……………………………………

Sagot :


1: sighed

2: asked

3: replied

4: added

5: insisted

6: agreed

7: argued



10: yelled