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1. Form the questions + answer the questions:
a) What - Sally Ride - to graduate in - ?
b) Where – Oprah Winfrey – to be born - ?
c) Maya Angelou - to fight for civils’ rights - ?
d) Where – Kathryn Bigelow - to study - ?
e) What – Simone Veil – to be like - ?
f) What – Sally Ride’s job – to be?
g) Who – to go to space first?
2. Form sentences:
a) Sally Ride is very smart and hard-working because she ……………….. (to go) to Stanford
University and she ……………… (to earn) a degree in Physics in the 20th century.
b) She ……………. (not – to be) the first woman who ……… (to fly) in space.
c) Simone Veil ………………. (to fight) for women’s right, she …………….. (not – to win) a
Nobel Prize, it ……….. (to be) Marie Curie ………. (to win) one in the 1910s.
d) Maya Angelou …..………. (to die) on May 28, 2014.
e) Kathryn Bigelow ……………. (not - to receive) an Award for best actress but she ………..
(to get) one for best director in 2008

Sagot :


1. ____________

Q = Question

R = Réponse

a. Q = What did Sally Ride graduate in ?

a. R = She Graduated in Physics.

B. Q = Where was Ophra Winfrey Born at ?

B. R = She was Born in Mississippi in the US.

c. Q = Did Maya Angelou fight for Civils's rights ?

c. R = Yes, she did, she write poems and Books about discrimination.

D. Q = Where did Kathryn Bigelow study ?

D. R = she studied in highschools and unversity of arts.

e. Q = What Simone Veil used to be like ?

e. R = she was a lawyer.

f. Q = What did Sally Ride's job used to be ?

f. R = She was an astronaut, she helped to put Satellites in Space.

g. Q = Who went to Space first ?

g. R = Sally Ride

2. ____________

Les mots en GRAS sont les réponses

a. Sally Ride is vey smart and hard-working because she went to Stanford.

b. she isn't the first woman who flew to space.

c. Simon Veil fought for women's right, she didn't win a Nobel Price, it's Marie Curie who won one in the 1910s.

d. Maya Angelou died on May 28. 2014.

e. Kathryn Bigelow did not reveice an Award for best actress but she got one for best director in 2008.

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