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Sagot :
Réponse :
1 It was quite a serious ACCIDENT both drivers were taken to hospital
2 Almost all the petrol stations round here are self-SERVICE
3 One driver was badly INJURED in the crash, and both cars were badly DESTROYED
4 There were four or five cars involved in the accident and it BLOCKED the road for about half an hour. When I got there, the TRAFFIC JAM was already about two miles long, and drivers were getting very frustrated.
5 The bicycle hit me just as I stepped off the SIDEWALK to cross the road.
6 My car BROKE DOWN on the motorway and I had to phone a garage to come and fix it.
7 I was doing about 120kph and then this car PASSED me doing about 160.
8 I couldn't stop quickly enough, and I STAMPED into the back of the car in front.
9 Cars, motorbikes and bikes can't go down there - it's only for PEDESTRIANS
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