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Bonjour, quel'qun pourrait m'aider pour un devoir en anglais car je dois rendre aujourd'hui sauf que je n'arrive pas svp aidez-moi merci par contre si vous voyez pas trop bien image désolé mais vous devrez chercher sur google je mis le nom
Where and when does the scene take place?

Who can you see? What are the characters doing ? What do they look like ?

What period / decade / years do you think the scene takes place ?

Can you situate the lonely man ? What is emphasized through this character ?

How are they also emphasized ?

Study the convergence lines : what direction do they take ?

What impression does it convey ?

What are the main colours ? Are there any contrasts ?

What feeling / atmosphere does this painting convey ?

Anglais Bonjour Quelqun Pourrait Maider Pour Un Devoir En Anglais Car Je Dois Rendre Aujourdhui Sauf Que Je Narrive Pas Svp Aidezmoi Merci Par Contre Si Vous Vo class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

the scene is in a restaurant in 1942.

i can see 2 guys and a women making a small talk while the chef is cooking for them, they seem rich.


the lonely man seems like he’s listening their conversation.

the emphasized to beed for daily talks one to one.

they’re fascinating.

the main colors are red-orange and dark blue

Explications :

fascinating: extremely interesting

make small talk: talk about unimportant things, often to someone you don’t know very well