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Est-ce que quelqu’un pourrais m’aider pour mon DM d’anglais svp ???

Read the text. Tick the correct statements in the list. Correct the wrong ones
with words from the text.
Harriet Tubman was born a slave in the state
of Maryland in the United States in 1820 or
1821. There weren't birth records for slaves
back then so historians aren't sure. Her
s name was Araminta Ross but she changed it
when she was thirteen.
Since she was a slave, life was very difficult.
She lived in a one-room cabin with 11 brothers
and sisters. She did difficult jobs like plowing
10 the fields and she didn't have a lot to eat. In
1849 she escaped from slavery to freedom.
She was extremely brave because
later she helped other slaves to
escape to the north, including her
parents. Harriet was so successful
at helping other slaves that the
slave owners offered a reward of
$40,000 for her capture.
1 www.harriet-tubman.org (2017)
1. Harriet was born a slave in Michigan.
2. We are sure that she was born in 1821.
3. Her father's name was Tubman.
4. The work was difficult but she had a lot to eat.
5. Harriet helped her parents to escape slavery.
6. The slave owners were happy with Harriet.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. Harriet Tubman was born a slave in Maryland.

2. She was born in 1820 or 1821.

3. Her father's name was surely Ross.

4. The work was difficult and she didn't have a lot to eat.



Explications :

J'espère t'avoir aidé n'hésite pas à me poser d'autres questions si t'en as ;)

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