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Qui pourrais m aider svp
Mettre les phrases suivantes à la forme interrogative et interrogative .
a) Harry was afraid of Voldemort .
b) Voldemort wanted to kill harry .
c) Ron and Hermione were brave and helped Harry.
d)Harry met his friend in the train.​

Sagot :


Did Harry afraid by Voldemort ?

Did Voldemort want to kill Harry ?

What are Ron and Hermione and what did they want ?

Where Harry meet his friends ?

La forme interrogative du prétérit
On la construit sur le schéma suivant : Did + sujet + verbe +:
a)Did Harry was afraid of Voldemort?
b)Did Voldemort wanted to kill Harry?
c)Did Ron and Harmione where brave and did they helped Harry?
d)Did Harry met his friend in the train?