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Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aider:
Be ready to present your favorite hero/heroine, superhero/heroine or villain
and his/her picture. You will speak for 1mn30

Sagot :

Réponse :


Explications :

hello, my favourite hero is Spiderman he is half human and half spider he became a spider after being bitten by one.

After having a modification with his genes he had the superpower of reflex strong sense, super strength and he had a better vision

I like this hero because he had funny jokes while fighting for the citizens of new York. he found ways to not reveal his identity to not put in danger people of his personal life for example his lover, his aunt and his friends.

he knitted his own costume in the beginning then for some time he got used to the horrible tricks of villains.

in the one of the last movies he collaborated with other heroes like iron man and many others.

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