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Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider, je voudrais une histoire avec un personnage en anglais pas forcément long merci d’avance

Sagot :

It was the last summer, Jane was bored.

Her mother told her many times to go out play whit her friends, but Jane didn't want to go out play whit her friend she didn't had the motivation to.

One day Niki propose her to go out at the pool, and she said yes she was very exited because only her bestfriend could give her any motivation.

Jane went to the pool she had fun and Niki too and then they went home togheter eat dinner and go sleep.

j'espère que c'est pas trop long et que c'est assez :)

Réponse :

Harry Potter was born in Godric’s Hollow the 31th July of 1980. His father was James, and his mother lily. Unfortunately, they were both killed by the lord Voldemort (but his name shouldn’t be pronounced !). The young baby Potter was adopted by his aunt and her husband, Pétunia and Vernon Dursley. Harry had a difficult childhood but everything changed when he went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In this marvelous school, Harry met Ron and his family, Hermony and Rubeus Hagrid. However, Voldemort was alive and he tried to kill Harry a lot of times. Harry defeated him in the chamber of secret, in the ministry of magic or in the great hall. Finally, Harry and his friends won the battle, and everything was okay.  

Explications :

a moi les 10 points bg (chômage vie)

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