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faite une critique de spider-man fram from home ou no way home en anglais (positive ou négative). Utiliser les 5 éléments (titre, intrigue, genre, opinion et verdict) et utiliser des adjectifs pour décrire la personnalité du personnage principal. Deux phrases au present perfect.

merci ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Spider-Man no way home, is like one of the best movies you could ever watch, yes it does have to wrong stuff in it, but it still perfect.

so my positive points about the movie is that they got all the old spider-mans in the new movie, and they all got together to fight, which made me happy, and then when Andrew Garfield saved MJ from dying he got happy because he saved someone this time from not getting hurt, bc he tried saving his gf in the other movie, but sadly he couldn't .

my negative points is that the spider-mans weren't that long in the movie, and when Mj and Ned forgot about peter, i got really sad, so i hope in the new movie they will remember him.

hope i helped<3