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Bonjour est-ce que vous pouvez me corriger svp.

Hello everyone today
I am going
present the casa
de papel series to you. The casa de papel is a series
Spanish realized by Alexe Pina,try to show how is the
perfect flight. The teacher and the rabbers locked
themselves in the mint and stamps with 67 hostages
to stout the produce banknotes for achieve take more
than 2400 million of euro
to hide
their true identity, they wear city names
masks to hide their faces.

Sagot :

Hello everyone.
Today, I am going to present you a serie entitled “ Casa de Papel ”.
It’s a spanish serie which has been created by Alexe Pina, who try to show us the perfect flight.
……..le reste est bien………
To achieve to taking more than 2400 million euros - identities
Voilà :)

Hello everyone !
Today I will present to you the series "La casa de papel".
"La casa de papel" is a spanish series directed by Alexe Pina.
This series tells us the story of the "Professor" who leads a team of robbers and their mission is to steal the contents of the Bank of Spain.
Once inside the bank, they take 67 civilians hostage and barricade themselves inside. 1/2
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