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a/an / the /0article) -1. I received....flowers from an old friend Last week.
2.John traveled to ....Mercico
3.Yesterday, my friend sent me... song... song was about freedom.
chose the atropriate verb form:
Last year, I (suffered / have suffered) from anemia. In fact, . (I didn't eat / haven't eaten) ... heblthy food. Recently, I m (started / have started) eating well and being aware of my health; (I ate / I have been eaten )healthy food since tart year. Fortunatly, I (got / have got) my helth back. I (didn't care / haven't cared) about my health in the part but now anymore .​
can you help me now please

Sagot :

1- I received flowers from an old friend last week.
2- John traveled to Mexico.
3- Yesterday, my friend sent me a song. The song was about freedom.

Last year, I suffered from anemia. In fact, I didn’t eat healthy food. Recently, I have started eating well and being aware of my health. I ate healthy food since last year. Fortunatly, I got my health back. I didnt care about my health in the past but not anymore.
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