Réponse :
Exercice 7:
a. (Il n'y a pas le a.)
b. The victim told the police officers he was walking to the market when he saw the robbers leave the grocery store.
c. The suspect admitted he was at the crime scene when the victim died.
d. A group of men stole my sister's bike while she was studying in her room.
e. When I heard our neighbor scream, I immediately understood something terrible had happened.
Exercice 8 :
a. When the burglars broke into the house, Lauren was studying.
b. Lily was painting/drawing while Samantha was calling.
c. As soon as the burglars saw that Luke was cooking, they quickly left the house.
d. Although Matt was watching TV, he heard the burglars break the kitchen window.
Exercice 9 :
a. The burglar was stealing the paintings when the owner turned on the light.
b. Our dog barked as soon as the delivery man rang the doorbell.
c. The victim's daughter said she was not sleeping when the burglars broke in.
d. The detective was investigating the case when the victim called him
Exercice 10 :
Witness #2 -Name: *Ton prenom*
Occupation : *Ton occupation*
Testimony : On October 14th, around 11 to 12 o'clock, I was walking past the office on the 5th Avenue on my way to the market to buy meat. I saw a man dressed in black, with a helmet covering his face, pointing a gun at a man in his 50's named John Langford. I was so shocked and didn't know what to do, so I just ran away and called the cops when suddenly I heard a gunshot.