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Bjr pouvez vous m’aider à corriger les faute et rajouter des phrase

Bjr Pouvez Vous Maider À Corriger Les Faute Et Rajouter Des Phrase class=

Sagot :

Réponse :the poignant story of an elephant born with big ears, humiliated and got made fun of by the audience in the circus. he finds himself becoming friends with timothy, a joyful mouse. after some time of motivation and practise, dumbo managed to fly and he became a star.but one day while the show was still running timothy that was supposed to be his friend pushed him from the top of the circus, he fell and the whole circus made fun of him and he was fired from the circus and the mouse took his spotlight and became the star of the circus since . j'espere que sa ta aider

Explications :

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