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Bonjour je dois réecrire une version moderne du fairy tales cendrillon ... avec comme titre “Move Over Prince Charming”.
Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider car je ne suis pas trés forte en anglais.
merci beaucoup

Sagot :

coucou !!

je suppose qu'ils ne t'ont pas donner un texte de base pour en partir ? ni un nombre de ligne ?

tout le monde connait l'histoire de cendrillon après tout :p

la prochaine fois essaye de faire un petit texte en français d'avance avec tes idées ou même de le faire seule. l'anglais c'est pas très compliqué en vrai, faut juste pas "penser en français"

ici je met la méthode que j'ai suivi:

-faire la liste des personnages du conte, des lieux, des événements

-comparer par rapport à la vie de maintenant

Après on peut aussi modifier un peu l'histoire sans qu'il y ait de grandes conséquences. mais rien que le titre indique qu'il faut la modifier lol

je parle a la première personne dans le texte (du point de vu de cendrillon)

“Move Over Prince Charming”

My name is Ella, i am 16 and living a constant hell at my own house. After all that had happened to me ! both of my parents died and i am stuck with this step-mom of mine. I wish i could just leave this life.

My stepmom is pretty rich but her and her stupid daughters keeps putting me apart. They started from taking my room and now i live in the attic. I enjoy it still up there since there's plenty of space but i had to clean up all myself. They don't make me dinner, i have to do it for myself and they never buy me clothes so i take the vintage clothes that used to be my mom's. It remembers me of her because it still smells like her.

Tonight they got invited at a rich-mans house, they keep talking about it. I wish i could go with them for once it seems cool.

I decided to prepare myself and put on a pretty dress. I found a pink dress in a box full of clothes, i might have to sew it a little to give it a cool look.

After i got the dress done by hand, i went down to see. My stupid stepsister called Drizzella told me i was ugly and couldn't go with them.

She called Anastasia and they both belittled me. They even ripped off my dress i took so much time sewing. As time passed, they left without me, i wasn't even surprised but it made me cry.

The bell ringed but i can't go change myself i don't have the time. By the time i open the door i see a familiar looking old lady. She asked me for something to keep her warm in the cold. I couldn't let her like that, so i told her to enter and gave her a blanket as well as a bowl of warm milk.

She told me she was very grateful and thanked me, then she left. As i passed the living room i see something on the couch. It's a package, i open it.

Inside there's a cold blue satin slim dress, a butterfly hair clip, a pair of very cool heels and a word saying  "Thank you for your kindness i must give you a gift back, but you have to come back before midnight".

I'm surprised but I know what I have to do. I put on the dress, I comb my hair with the brooch and I put on the beautiful heels that shine in the light, i put a little makeup.

I have finished getting ready, I go out and I see a limousine waiting for me.I know strangely that I can go there calmly.The limousine takes me to a large white mansion.arrived there, I came across a very nice handsome boy. He takes me by the waist and invites me to dance.

Everything is happening so fast but I appreciate it. he speaks softly to me and I feel butterflies in my stomach with him. We talk all evening but midnight is approaching. I only notice it at the last moment and I have to rush.

I start to run for the exit but he tries to catch up with me. I accidentally lose my shoe on the way. I get in the car on the way out and she drives me home just before my mother-in-law and her daughters arrive. I run to my "room" and I change as quickly as possible. I go to sleep right after.

In the morning i can't believe it was real but i know i would never see this young man again since neither he nor i know our names. I have have to move on this "prince charming" because i am persuaded to never see him again ever.

Voila c'est tout!! Ça fait près de 1h que je suis dessus mais en vrai c'était cool a écrire.

bisouuus et j'espère que j'ai pas fait d'erreur j'ai la flemme de tout re-lire

si t'as pas 20 je meurs x)

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