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pouvez vous me corriger ce texte car je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir mis les phrases au présent perfect :

I'll tell you a story about my trip
3 years ago I went to sri lanka in a huge house with my friends. The city was very big and very active. There were many markets where they sold a lot of products.
3 years ago I went to Sri Lanka in a huge house with my friends. The city was very big and very active.n of products like not ex: carpets, spices. There were big beaches with small shells, with the shells we made necklaces. I could discover new fruits, make sand castles, there were even big lizards which are the most energetic animals on the planet. And at night we could hear the sounds of wild animals. In the morning we ate lots of pancakes, bananas, apple juice and even coconut.
We stayed for a week and we liked it. We left in a plane that made a stopover in Dubai before returning to France.

merci d'avance.​

Sagot :




I'll tell you a story about my trip

I've gone to srilanka in a huge house with my friends. the city has been very big and very active. there have been many markets where they have sold a lot of products. there have been big beaches with small shells, with the shells we've made necklaces. I've could discover new fruits, make sand castles, there have been even big lizards which are the most energetic animals. in the morning we've eaten lots of pancakes, bananas, apple juice and even coconut.

we've stood since a week and we've liked it. we've left in a plane that have made a stopover in Dubai before returning to France.

good luck!

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